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Game Changing Leadership in a Time of Profound Change - Webinar

View the IngenioUs webinar.

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Higher education is at a critical inflection point. The traditional financial and operational models that have sustained us for decades and that are designed to largely perpetuate the status quo are broken. The depth and breadth of current challenges requires a major rethinking and reinvention of the higher education system. And yet, most colleges and universities and their leaders have little or no core competency in what can be a really difficult and complex change process. What's more, there are many structural impediments to change including the academic culture and high fixed overhead to name just a couple. That’s a tough leadership challenge!

In this webinar, Wallace Pond, experienced transformational change leader, will discuss how we got here, why transformation is the required path forward for many institutions, and what execution of transformative change looks like in practice.

Wallace Pond has been a transformational change leader for decades, serving in multiple CEO, executive, and partnership roles. Wallace is a founder of Idea Pathway and the Transformation Collaborative, supporting transformative thinking and operational excellence across all segments of higher education and the private-sector. He is also author of the recently released book, Leadership in the Real World: Hard Won Lessons from Twenty Years as a Chief Executive in Turbulent Times (2020).