A different Enterprise. Driven by different revenue streams. Aligned with relevant resources.

By Celia Ffrench

Stripped of ceremony and pretense, the delivery of effective education in a transformational context requires intense review of fundamental questions: “1. What do we deliver that has value? 2. Who is willing to recognize that value and provide funding for its delivery? 3. How much and through what mechanisms?” In short, The Transformation Collaborative™ grounds it research, analytics and counsel on continuous exploration of the value proposition in contemporary markets. Based on careful and sustained observation and measurement, The Transformation Collaborative™ assumes the answers are, “We’re not certain,” “We don’t know anymore” and “In amounts and via methods that look nothing like before.”

Changes in the revenue sources for institutions at risk have been accelerated by forces of nature: a pandemic, technology, demographics, consumer expectations and to a lesser degree, politics. When the source funding is public state or federal, the changes are reactive and lagging, never leading edge or anticipatory. By the time policy catches up with the market, many aspects of the value proposition have changed inexorably.

The Transformation Collaborative™ builds enterprise structure, systems and practices that are deeply rooted in fidelity to the value proposition, with an unwavering commitment to knowledge of and responsiveness to the needs of clients and customers. It encourages leadership to query themselves and their teams frequently regarding, “What value are we adding today? How do we know? Can our customers recognize that value and are they willing to offer resources in exchange?” From the systematic and data-driven inquiries flows a flexible, dynamic and effective operational culture that embraces change and celebrates adaptation, innovation and transformation. Transformation as a destination becomes transformation as a process, a culture, a mode of operation. Access to resources becomes more predictable, manageable, diverse and robust.


Expert Panel to Discuss the Future of Career Education


Declining enrollment trends affirmed by NCES, debated by policy community